Sunday, July 21, 2019

Arabic alphabet puzzles are a great tool to help your students learn about the arabic alphabet.  This product will also help students practice the beginning sounds.

.يعتبر هذا المنتج أداة متميزة لتعليم الاطفال الحروف العربية و بعض المفردات المتعلقة بكل حرف
 كما يساعد هذا المنتج الاطفال على معرفة الحرف الأول من كل كلمة 

  • print out the Arabic alphabet puzzles 
  • laminate the cards
  • cut out the cards
  • let students enjoy the puzzles.
قم بطباعة هاته الاوراق
غلف البطاقات
قم بقصها
دع الأطفال يستمتعون بهذا النشاط

This product has 28 cards that feature the arabic letters on one side with pictures and words on the other side.

.يحتوي هذا المنتج على28بطاقة
.تحتوي كل بطاقة على الحرف من جهة و صورة و كلمة من الجهة الاخرى

This product can make a cute addition to your Arabic center or word work center.

.ان شاء الله سيشكل هذا المنتج اضافة متميزة لركن العربية

Monday, July 15, 2019

How to Teach Arabic Vocabulary? كيف تدرس المفردات العربية؟

How to Teach Arabic Vocabulary?

  كيف تدرس المفردات العربية؟ 

There are several ways to teach Arabic vocabulary. Today, I will share with you some activities and games that you can do using word cards. 

هناك عدة طرق لتدريس مفردات  جديدة. اليوم ساشارك معكم بعض الأنشطة والألعاب التربوية التي يمكنكم القيام بها عن طريق بطاقات المفردات

Teaching letters /تعليم الحروف

  •   You can practice the letters and sounds for each word.

 يمكن للمعلمة ان تسال كم عدد الحروف في هاته الكلمة ( مدرسة) او باي حرف تبدأ كلمة كتاب.

Arrival/dismissal words: كلمات الوصول و المغادرة

  •  Grab a set of word cards  (3 to 4 cards) and ask the students to say the words or point to a letter as they are arrived/dismissed.

تطلب المعلمة من الأطفال قراءة المفردات المراد مراجعتها عند وصولهم او مغادرتهم الفصل.

Chalk words/ كلمات بالطباشير

  •   You can take the students outside and write these words with chalk on the floor.

تأخذ المعلمة الاطفال خارج الفصل و تطلب منهم كتابة الكلمات على الأرض باستخدام الطباشير.

Who am I? game/ لعبة من أنا؟

  •  Have students choose a word card. Children can take turns giving “who am I “clue. For example, a child can say:" I help you learn and explore new things and I start with (م")."Other students can guess the word (معلم)

تطلب المعلمة من التلاميذ اختيار بطاقة وبعد ذلك يقوم الطفل بوصف او تجسيد الكلمة المراد التعرف عليها. مثلا يقول الطفل: انا اساعدك على التعلم واكتشاف اشياء جديدة وانا ابدأ بحرف (م) يجيب الطفل الاخر انت معلم.

Foam cubes/ مكعبات


  •  Buy the foam cubes. I found mine at the dollar store. 
  •  Write the letters and their forms (beginning, middle, end) on each side of the cube.
  • Ask students to build their words using the foam cubes.

قم بشراء المكعبات .
اكتب الحروف بأشكالها (في البداية-الوسط- الاخر) على كل جهة(وجة) من اوجه المكعبات. 
اطلب من الأطفال ان يكونوا بعض الكلمات

Magnetic letters/ الاحرف المغناطيسية


  • Give the child a baking tray and ask him or her to make words using magnetic letters. 

قم باعطاء الاطفال طبق حديدي  واطلب منهم ان يكونو كلمات باستخدام الاحرف المغناطيسية

Monday, July 1, 2019

                10 must have school supplies

Are you thinking about your  school supplies list for next year? same here, I do the same thing, but I shop during summer.

I will share with you classroom must have.


This is an important product that every teacher needs. I bought mine 5 years ago, and it still working. 
laminating machine are extremely useful for classroom purposes. you can laminate all of your documents and prevent them from any damage. 
along with laminating machine you will need laminating sheets.  click here to order yours


I tried other brands, but there is no comparison. Crayola makes are great products. My students love them. They are affordable, and they have vibrant colors. I totally recommend these.


This paper can be used for so many different things. For example, if you do want to limanate an activity, you can print it on these papers. you can put them in your writing center for kids to use, or you can used them crafts, tags, parents notes,etc 

click here

These markers worked out great for me. My students and I love the smell. The colors are bold and vibrant, and they are long lasting.

This product must be be in any classroom. Compare to other brands, those are the best dry erase markers that I have used throughout my journey.


You can use them to organize your supplies. 

Clipboard have multiple uses, you can use them for grading, sign in, etc. You can put them in different centers in your class to encourage kids to write.  


This are great  product to store and organize your files. you can use it as students mailbox. or you can put different construction papers in it that you sort by color. 


I use this pocket chart to display vocabulary in my writing center. Student can pull out a card and bring it back when they are done writing.  They are very handy to have around your classroom.