Sunday, June 30, 2019

Arabic Assessment Pack

This assessment can be used to record child's progress. it will help you distinguish where your students are at the beginning and end of the year. 

you can find it in my TPT store

Arabic Alphabet:

You can mark through the letters with a marker or you can write a check mark next to each letter. You can use it at the beginning of the year or throughout the year.


you can either show the child the number and ask her to say the name in arabic or you can give her the black and white version and ask her to color the number that you want. For example, you can say"can you color number seven,"

Colors and Shapes:

school-word cards

This set of school picture-word cards includes 16 school related words. Those cards are great for world wall. 
you can place them in a pocket chart near your writing area. Students can read them or copy them. They can also use them to create the words with magnet letters, play dough, wiki sticks, etc.

You can grab them for free in TPT store

About me

Assalamo alaikom wa rahmato lah wa barakatuh. Welcome to Alef to Ya blog.

If you are looking for fun teaching ideas and Arabic activities to help you teach Arabic as a second language, you are in the right place. In this blog , I share a lot of Arabic hands on activities that are engaging for kids. My passion is to inspire you with play based activities that nurture and challenge our children. My main focus will be about teaching and sharing some activities that I make throughout my journey. 

In my TPT store, I have everything you need in your classroom.

This blog is a personal teaching blog where I share some hacks, tips, lessons, activities, etc. if you have any question, please email me